Bunyad - A Journal of Urdu Studies, Lahore University of Management Sciences - Lahore

بنیاد (مجّلہ دراساتِ اردو)

Gurmani Centre for Languages and Literature
ISSN (print): 2225-6083
ISSN (online): 2709-9687

Delhi, Faizabad, and later Lucknow have been known centers of Urdu poetry in the 18th century. Despite their importance regarding the linguistic and literary development of Urdu prose and poetry, it is also well acknowledged that such prowess was not confined to these areas only. Other areas such as Azimabad, Calcutta and Rampur etc. also contributed to the enrichment of this literary tradition. Likewise, in the 2nd half of the 18th century Hāfiẓ Ghulām Murtaẓā Khavaishgī was composing poetry in Kasur, Pakistan. A maṣnavī titled Gulrēz is his memorable work; a translation of a Persian maṣnavī which was written by Ẓiā al-Dīn Nakhshabī. In unpublished Gulrēz, there are many prominent aspects which are yet to be explored. For instance, there are 28 Urdu ghazals, some of which are part of the text, while some are written on its margin. These are rare examples of ghazals in Punjab in the 18th century. This article contains the original text and linguistic study of these ghazals.


Sajid Siddique Nizami

Assistant Professor

Institute of Urdu Language and Literature, University of the Punjab Lahore, Lahore


  • sajidsnizami@gmail.com
  • +923344366741


Type: Article
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 5f97ec9a7a78c
Pages 57 - 74
Published June 25, 2018
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