Bunyad - A Journal of Urdu Studies, Lahore University of Management Sciences - Lahore

بنیاد (مجّلہ دراساتِ اردو)

Gurmani Centre for Languages and Literature
ISSN (print): 2225-6083
ISSN (online): 2709-9687

فرانز فینو ن اپنی وفات کے ساٹھ سال بعد: جائزہ اور افادہ

  • Akhtar Ali Syed/
  • June 25, 2021
Frantz Fanon Sixty Years after his Death: Review and Relevance
Fanon, colonialism, postcolonialism, hypercolonialism

Frantz Fanon (1925-1961) is undoubtedly the first mental health professional who defined not only dynamics of the psychology of colonialism but also elaborated the phenomenology of it from the perspective of the colonized. Fanon expanded his clinical horizon to diagnose the pathology prepondering more outside of his clinic than inside. He ascertained the aetiology of and intervention for pathological and pathogenic phenomenon of colonialism. As a revolutionary mental health professional, he did not dissolve himself in the professional neutrality. He emerged beside the colonized, pointed out the mechanisms of colonial oppression, and identified the ways the colonized responded to them, pathologically.

This article—after sixty years of his death—reviews his three books published in his lifetime to establish relevance of his views in the era of hypercolonialism. Colonialism is indisputably not what it was in Fanon’s time; rather it is more intricate, enigmatic, and invisible now than ever before. The relevance of some of his views has unquestionably been depleted, but most of what he has predicted is more visible today than it was in 1950s.


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Akhtar Ali Syed

Principal Clinical Psychologist

Brothers of Charity, Waterford. Ireland


  • akhtaralisyed@gmail.com


Type: Article
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 60d5e74e219c7
Discipline: Urdu
Published June 25, 2021


  • 2387
  • 689
  • 710
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