Bunyad - A Journal of Urdu Studies, Lahore University of Management Sciences - Lahore

بنیاد (مجّلہ دراساتِ اردو)

Gurmani Centre for Languages and Literature
ISSN (print): 2225-6083
ISSN (online): 2709-9687

مصنوعی ذہانت اور اردوزبان و ادب : امکانات و مسائل

  • Muhammad Khurram Yaseen/
  • June 26, 2024
Artificial Intelligence and Urdu Language & Literature: An Analysis of Possibilities and Challenges
artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Bard, Gemini, Prompt engineering.

Tremors of artificial intelligence (AI) resonate through every facet of life, reshaping creativity, production, cognition, research, and even critique. Urdu literature, too, feels the seismic shift, as long-held theories of language and literary creation buckle under AI’s influence. From the crucible of creation to the discerning lens of criticism, AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard/Gemini design and create text, plot, and character. Yet, these digital sketches yearn for the brushstrokes of human intervention to attain true artistry. AI dissects and analyzes existing works with surgical precision, but its grasp of deeper meaning and delicate nuances still requires the guiding hand of human insight. Literary criticism can be enriched with AI’s fresh perspectives, but only on condition that the essential human voice retains its melody. However, ethical concerns linger in the shadow of AI’s creative, critical, and research potential. As we embrace AI in Urdu literature, a nuanced approach is paramount. We must equip it with the right vocabulary, nourish it with the finest Urdu works, and guide it towards responsible usage. Ultimately, AI’s tools present an opportunity to amplify creativity, refine analysis, and deepen understanding, all while remaining vigilant against potential pitfalls. By navigating this complex terrain with care, we can ensure that AI becomes a catalyst for a richer, more vibrant future for Urdu literary expression. This research article illuminates both the possibilities and challenges that AI presents for the future of Urdu language and literature.


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Government College for Women University, Sialkot.



Type: Article
Volume: 15
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 667c376280d83
Published June 26, 2024


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